Anxiety and CBD

Anxiety & CBD I figured I'd better let you guys get to know a little bit about me before I jump right into the good stuff. My name is Nikki. I grew up in a small swedish town in the land of 10,000 lakes. For those who don't know, I grew up in Minnesota. Being 22 and having been diagnosed with social anxiety and depression has taken my life down a negative path. I have been diagnosed with Anxiety and Panic Disorder for quite some time.. After several years of doctors pushing pill after pill down my throat, I knew that there had to be something better, something that would actually work. That's when I started doing research and learning about big pharma and how the medications they were prescribing me would just mask my symptoms and cloud my thinking. I started looking into alternative medicines and that's when I came across Cannabis and Cannabidol. Cannabis has always been familiar to me, especially when I was younger. A...